Monday, July 9, 2007

Creating Songs using Garage Band

This is pretty cool! Reading through Candace's posted articles, my focus turned to the article "Learning Math with Music". While I was in teacher's college, I used to highly praise the idea of music and math, but I have never actually done anything even slightly related in my classroom. Why don't I always practice what I preach? Well, maybe because I thought it was impossible. But wow, there truly is a lot of stuff out there.

Garbage Band is a program that is used to make music on Macs. It features an onboard keyboard, a multi-track recorder, and an extensive loop library. There are instructions on how to use the program at:
My school isn't quite equipped yet to be able to assign something like this for the kids....but when it is, I'll be ready! I have an iPod, but I need to become much more familiar with how to use it. The article "Learning Math with Music has assessment strategies, and led me to a website full of already made math songs. Wow, this is heaven for a music lover. It may be costly to download all the songs you want, but I would certainly benefit from having a couple songs as examples to spark some creativity from the students....

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