Monday, July 30, 2007

Bad powerpoints

Powerpoint was originally developed as a tool to use for marketing development. I found this website very interesting because it blames Microsoft's built in templates on the boring bulleted nature of PPT presentations. It truly highlights how bad powerpoints lead presenters to READ their slides, leading to a lazy and ineffective presentation.

So, a great presentation should be based on the presenter's knowledge; not what is written in the PPT. Here are four great suggestions to avoid the booooring ppts.

1) Make Cue Cards as prompters
2) Make slides that reinforce your words; not REPEAT them
3) Use footnotes if you want the presentation to be later transferable
4) No cheesy images
etc, etc....

Teachers of course try to cater to the various types of learners out there: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. But visual learners are not going to learn by viewing bullets on a slide; rather, they'll learn by viewing pictures, diagrams, and visually stimulating items that are explained well by the speasker. Auditory learners don't learn by hearing a bunch of funky and irrelevant sounds, they learn from a powerful voice and engaging speaker. And kinesthetic learners learn from moving, touching, and exploring--not from moving words on a slide.

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