Friday, June 29, 2007

More on the pros and Cons of Blogging

The article lists four benefits of student blogging:
1. helps students become subject matter experts.
2. Increases student interest and ownership in learning.
3. Offers students a legitimate chances to participate
4. opportunities for diverse perspectives.
For a further explanation, see the article at:

Of course, despite all of these benefits, another article from "The Journal" discusses how it is a challenge to transform the classroom to make it more relevant to a contemporary era. In other words, some schools need to step it up on the technology front. My school is one of them. We've been fighting hard to achieve internet access in our classrooms, because of course, the possibilities are endless.The article regarding these challenges is at:

In terms of blogging safety, some school boards (New Jersey High School) license a content management system from ( to control the material that is posted on the blogging site and block access to all users. I'm still on the search for how else to manage blogging safety.

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